No one will guess how you did it! Take 2 Apples and make this delicious Cake! It will surprise you!

2 medium eggs
  1/4 cup sugar _ 50 g
1/3 cup vegetable oil_ 80 ml
1 teaspoon vanilla _ 8 g
1 tablespoon baking powder_ 8 g
2 and 1/3 cups flour _ 340 g
a pinch of salt

2 apples
  2 tablespoons of sugar _ 30 g
1 tablespoon butter _ 20 g
a pinch of cinnamon powder
2 tablespoons apricot jam

✅️ secret
1 egg white
1/3 cup powdered sugar _ 55 g
2 tablespoons apricot jam

Enjoy your meal                                 
2 medium eggs
  1/4 cup sugar _ 50 g
1/3 cup vegetable oil_ 80 ml
1 teaspoon vanilla _ 8 g
1 tablespoon baking powder_ 8 g
2 and 1/3 cups flour _ 340 g
a pinch of salt

2 apples
  2 tablespoons of sugar _ 30 g
1 tablespoon butter _ 20 g
a pinch of cinnamon powder
2 tablespoons apricot jam

✅️ secret
1 egg white
1/3 cup powdered sugar _ 55 g
2 tablespoons apricot jam

Enjoy your meal